Performance of sunflower hybrids in reduced row spacings
Helianthus annuus, Yield, Yield components.Abstract
With the objective of evaluating the effect of row spacing in the agronomic characteristics of three hybrids of sunflower, a trial was carried out on the FESURV–Universidade de Rio Verde experimental campus in Rio Verde, GO. The hybrids Agrobel 960, BRHS 5 and Hélio 251 were evaluated, with 60.000 plants ha-1 in the row spacings of 40 and 50 cm. The random blocks design was used, in a 2x3 factorial scheme, with four replications. The planting was at March, 2005, and the harvest was at July. It was evaluated the achene yield, one thousand achenes weight, capitulum size, number of achenes per capitulum and plant height. The results were subjected to analysis of variance and the means compared by Tukey test. Agrobel 960 hybrid presented the highest achene yield and the smallest height. The sunflower hybrids had no significant differences for one thousand achene weight, capitulum size and number of achenes per capitulum. The 40 cm row spacing presented the highest achene yield and number of achenes per capitulum, but the smallest one thousand achene weight. The effect of row spacings had no influence on capitulum size and plant height.
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