Pierre Bourdieu's weapons against the ‘neoliberal scourge’
Pierre Bourdieu, Neoliberalism, Public Engagement, Public intellectualAbstract
Although it did not have systematic theoretical treatment on the part of Pierre Bourdieu, the neoliberal issue goes through the whole of his work especially from the 1990’s. This article seeks to demonstrate that his considerations about neoliberalism were related to the constitution of a subjectivity of political resistance around his conformation as a public intellectual. To this end, the most significant experiences of public engagement mobilized by this sociologist were articulated to his addressing the neoliberal issue. Finally, will be realized an interpretation of the meaning of this subjectivity of resistance against the neoliberalism. The critical incorporation of this theoretical and political repertoire can inspire us for new sociological actions, in the light of current demands and commitments.Downloads
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