School library and reading mediation: a proposal for catalog books.
School library, Reading mediation, Formation reader, Bibliographic recordAbstract
Introduction: This article handles the social and academic education of the School Library educator and her contribution to the development of reading mediation practices for reader’s education.Objective: Check how the school library, its pedagogical organization and the storytelling contribute to the formation of readers.
Methodology: The bibliographic research of documentary method based on personal papers written and on official papers, aiming to verify the education of the individual, the school library and the pedagogical organization of storytelling contribute to the reader’s education. This research is guided by: Silva, Lajolo, Zilberman, whom conceptualize reading and UNESCO and Barbosa et al. papers regarding School Library organization.
Results: As a result of this research obtained a bibliographic record sheet as assistance in the continuing education of library educator for all school educators can use the books in the classroom at the time of storytelling and therefore expand their practice in a reading mediation
Conclusions: It is concluded what the teacher of the school library has a function to intermediate the student’s learning process, stimulating him/her to be a diligent reader and presenting literature that contributes to his/her growth as reader, it is important to highlight that the library environment must be suitable to accommodate this reader, providing approximation the reader with book.
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