Incorporating into didactic sequences for basic education the exam of memes within semantic anomaly – not satisfying semantic selection
Semantics, Teaching, Interaction.Abstract
This article presents some didactic-pedagogical activities. Their premises are
hypotheses from formal semantics, such as semantic selection, and the inner grammar of speakers. After taking a textbook for a case study, and based on our experience as teachers, we realized that anomalous sentences and semantic selection are not being discussed at schools. To fill this gap, we designed some meme interpretation activities, carried out with 7th grade elementary school students. We found that a student can interpret anomalous sentences based
on his/her inner language knowledge and simultaneously recognize the irony and humor produced by anomaly in memes. We describe these activities as a contribution to educators who are interested in textual discursive practices in association with the speaker's inherent knowledge of grammar. In this article, we present in detail some activity plans using memes. Hopefully, this proposal may be a brick in the construction of a more critical and reflective language education.
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