Reading in web infographic: multimodality in classroom
Infographic genre Web, Reading, MultiletramentosAbstract
The advances brought by technology have led to the emergence of new genres based on new media. As the web infographic is a new genre emerged from this multimodal rise, we try to propose to teachers a new tool for teaching reading. When considering the circulation of web infographics in national and vestibular exams, we believe that they have not been frequently explored in the classroom. Therefore, we intend to present a teaching proposal with a web infographic genre aimed at secondary school students. Guided by theoretical contributions such as Bronckart (2006); Shepherd and Watters (1999); Marcuschi (2005), Pinheiro (2010), Dionísio (2011), Kato (1995), Solé (1998), Paiva (1998), among others, sought to broaden the learner's reading ability, writing it in the genre in question, and preparing it to work in different fields, as well as national examinations. As a measure, we seek with this teaching proposal to support the teaching work.
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