Online reading clubs: notes on the experiences of two teachers




Reading clubs, Cyberfeminism, Mobilization of knowledge, Online


The present article aims to present the experience of two cultural practitioner teachers at Manu's Reading Club, organized and conceived by Manuela D’Ávila in the first semester of 2023. Based on their experiences with the phenomena emerging from cyberculture, the authors sought to understand daily practices by engaging in learning situations through participation in a book club focused on works written and led by women. We relate the experience within the club to studies on cyberfeminism. Methodologically, we base our approach on research-formation studies in cyberculture, anchored in multireferential epistemology, cyberculture, and everyday life. Our investigation offers insights into experiences such as networked learning in the context of city-cyberspace relationships, the construction and mobilization of knowledge beyond formal education, and the strengthening of networks of reexistence through sharing.


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Author Biographies

Raquel Silva Barros, Colégio Pedro II

Post-doctorate in Education from PPGEDU (UFRRJ). PhD in Education (2020) from UNIRIO (Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro). Master in Education (2014) from FEBF (Faculdade de Educação da Baixada Fluminense) and Specialist in Education with Computer Application (2012) from UERJ (University of the State of Rio de Janeiro). Graduated in Pedagogy (2022) from UNESA (Estacio de Sá University) and Literature (2008) from UCB (Castelo Branco University). She works as coordinator of Extension courses at Cecierj, English language teacher at the Rio de Janeiro Municipal Department of Education and Educational Informatics at Colégio Pedro II. He is a member of the GPDOC Group (Teaching Research Group in Cyberculture) led by Professor Edméa Oliveira Santos.

Edméa Oliveira Santos, Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro

Full Professor at the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ). He works at the Institute of Education and the Postgraduate Program in Education (PPGEDUC), in the line of research "Line 1: Contemporary Studies and Educational Practices". During the period from 2007 to 2018, she was an Adjunct Professor at the Faculty of Education of the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), working in the Undergraduate and Postgraduate Program in Education (PROPED/UERJ) (where she collaborates, together with research line "Everyday life, educational networks and cultural processes". Professor of the Computer Science in Education course in the UERJ/CEDERJ Distance Education course. Post-doctorate in e-learning and distance learning at UAB-PT, where she collaborates sporadically in the MPEL - Master's in e-Learning Pedagogy. Leader of the GPDOC - Teaching and Cyberculture Research Group. Member of the Image Laboratory at UERJ. 16 - "Education and Communication" of ANPED - Brazilian Association for Research in Education, vice-president of ABCIBER - Association of Cyberculture Researchers. Works in the initial and continuing training of teachers and researchers. and Pedagogical Practices, Teacher Training, Curricula: theories, practices and policies, IT in Education, Online Education, EAD.


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How to Cite

BARROS, Raquel Silva; SANTOS, Edméa Oliveira. Online reading clubs: notes on the experiences of two teachers. Educação em Análise, Londrina, v. 9, n. 3, p. 667–687, 2024. DOI: 10.5433/1984-7939.2024v9n3p667. Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 oct. 2024.