Marginal Literature: The silenced voices and the expression of resistance towards a critical-reflexive education
as vozes silenciadas e a expressão da resistência para uma educação crítico-reflexiva
Marginal Literature; Black Authorship; Critical-reflective education.Abstract
This article explores the history and impact of Marginal Literature in Brazil, which emerged as a form of resistance and artistic expression during a period of military dictatorship and political repression. In contrast to Mainstream Literature, which is predominantly conservative, Marginal Literature represents the voice of social minorities and is marked by raw and direct language, addressing taboo topics such as drugs, sex and social inequality. Authors such as Conceição Evaristo and Carolina Maria de Jesus stand out, whose works reflect the realities of urban peripheries and the struggles of black women. Furthermore, the article discusses the evolution of the Slam Poetry movement in Brazil, highlighting its role as a tool of expression and social engagement for women, with representatives such as Mel Duarte and Ryane Leão. Finally, the relevance of Marginal Literature is examined in education, as an instrument to promote critical awareness among students and expand representation in the classroom.
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