A Bahia na periferia do mundo
algumas reflexões sobre o mercado editorial baiano
mercado editorial baiano, editoras independentes, produções de contextos periféricosAbstract
At the same time, we are witnessing the intensification of cultural mobilizations in peripheral contexts, which are putting pressure on Brazilian literature to expand the established literary canon and driving the emergence of new publishing routes made up of independent publishers that bring to the attention of the reading public works produced by individuals who do not belong to the traditional publishing niche and disseminate writing produced in other locations that are not part of the national book circuit: Rio/São Paulo. This article, through a literature review, seeks to analyze the spaces of socioeconomic power and editorial visibility provided to contemporary productions from peripheral contexts by publishers considered independent and expose the difficulties faced by these institutions to remain in operation in the Bahian publishing market, to this end it dialogues with Cosson (2018), Dalcastagnè, (2012), Dantas (2022), Fonseca (2019), Garramuño (2014), Junior; Santos (2009), Lima et al. (2022), Oliveira (2011), Porto (2012), Seidel et al. (2016), Silva (2019). The results show that although the publishing market in Bahia is experiencing difficulties, institutions such as Reaja, Ogum's and Organismo highlight the potential of diversity, as well as the existence of other ways of producing and disseminating for more plural and democratic audiences.
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