The romance of oral tradition and its relationships with Literature of Cordel




Oral Tradition Romance, Literature of twine, Oral Literature


The work, the result of early research, intends to make a brief introduction about the studies comparative literature, with an emphasis on oral tradition books and cordel literature, both present, mainly in the Northeast region of Brazil. The various readings carried out revealed a strong approximation of the two literary genres, bearing in mind their roots in popular and oral literature. This finding demonstrates the importance of studies on Brazilian popular folklore and its insertion in the academic research of Brazilian universities. We tried to analyze the issue from the assumption that the string literature northeastern region has more affinity with oral novels than with lusitano cordels, due to the characteristic poetics present in both genres.DUC, 2000.


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Author Biography

Carolina Veloso Costa, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

Master's student in the Postgraduate Program in Letters (History of Literature) at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande - UFRG


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How to Cite

Costa, C. V. (2014). The romance of oral tradition and its relationships with Literature of Cordel. Boitatá, 9(18), 68–82.




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