The voice of the underground in the performance of Catira


  • Adenilson Moura Vasconcelos Universidade de Brasília



Catira, Performance, Folklore, Artistic expression, Hick, Dance,


The purpose of this article is to try to identify the voice of the hick singer in catira performances. Of course, this dance that has existed for centuries can be considered a hick shape expresses his indignation, his anger, his joy and his love. However, there is no room for these claims in large urban centers, and their notes end up not having much relevance. If we do Gayatri Spivak question "Can the subaltern speak?" At first, and considering this hick a subaltern, we can say that in catira performances he speaks, yes, but we cannot say whether he is being heard. When we speak of "being heard" here it is not just the hearing question, but to be relieved, his voice echoing off the field and their songs be considered at least as music, not just a naive cultural event.


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Author Biography

Adenilson Moura Vasconcelos, Universidade de Brasília

Master's student in literature at the graduate program in literature, at the Universidade de Brasilia.


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How to Cite

Vasconcelos, A. M. (2016). The voice of the underground in the performance of Catira. Boitatá, 11(21), 116–127.



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