Epidemiological situation of Equine Infectious Anemia in the state of Paraná, Brazil
Equine Infectious Anemia, Prevalence, Risk factors, Paraná, Brazil.Abstract
To assist decision making regarding the National Equine Health Program in the state of Paraná, a study was conducted to estimate the prevalence of infected farms and seropositive animals for Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA) and also identify possible risk factors for the disease. The state was divided into three regions, within which about 300 farms were randomly selected. On the selected farms, a minimum number of animals aged 6 months or older were examined to characterize them as infected or free of EIA. In the sampled farms, an epidemiological questionnaire was applied to investigate possible associations between the disease and its characteristics, including sanitary practices and livestock management. The test used was the Agar Gel Immunodiffusion Test. A total of 2818 equids from 889 farms were tested. In the state, the prevalence of infected farms was 1.55% [0.92; 3.00] and the prevalence of seropositive animals was 0.55% [0.27; 1.00]. Introduction of equids showed an association with EIA (OR=5.5 [1.9; 15.9]). Paraná equine owners should be alerted to the need to observe health precautions regarding EIA when introducing animals to their herd. In 2018, the sensitivity of the Surveillance System for EIA in Paraná was only 1.36%, probably insufficient to change the endemic balance of the disease, therefore, needs to be re-evaluated involving in the process all public and private agents interested in the subject.
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