Production and nutritional quality of ryegrass forage grown in different population stands under successive cuts
Dry biomass, Haylage, Lolium multiflorum, Plant population.Abstract
The Brazilian livestock activity is undergoing constant evolution, and aiming at its maximum efficiency, it is necessary to have available to the animals food in quantity and quality all the year. To this end, the cultivation of winter forage is carried out. The present study aimed to evaluate the productive and qualitative agronomic traits of ryegrass forage. The experiment was a randomized block design in a 3 x 2 factorial arrangement consisting of six treatments, three plant stands (525, 1050 and 2095 plants m-2) associated with two successive cutting times (vegetative and full vegetative), and four repetitions. There was no interaction between population stand and cutting times for the variables studied. The stand of 525 plants m-2 had a higher participation of green leaves (50.52 %), higher digestibility of the whole plant dry matter (84.81 %) compared to the stands of 1.050 and 2.095 plants m-2, and dry biomass production per unit area equivalent to the others (6087, 7243 and 6989 kg ha-1, respectively). The first harvest season presented higher participation of green leaves and better leaf/stem ratio, 58.62 % and 3.41 % respectively, as well as higher digestibility of green leaves (77.26 %) and stem (80.82 %).Downloads
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