Yield and technological performance of sugarcane cultivars grown under Af climate conditions
Maturation, Precipitation, Saccharum officinarum.Abstract
Sugarcane crops are grown in almost all regions of Brazil, in various types of soil and under the influence of different climate conditions, which results in diverse production environments as climate factors directly influence the yield and technological quality of a sugarcane crop. The present study evaluated the agronomic and technological characteristics of sugarcane cultivars grown in Af climate conditions. The agronomic traits (natural matter production and the number, length, and diameter of stalks) and technological attributes (Brix, purity, Pol, reducing sugars, total reducing sugars, moisture, and fiber content) of three sugarcane cultivars, IACSP93-6006, RB83-5486, and SP79-1011, were determined in a three-year experiment with a randomized block design using four blocks and two repetitions per block. The cultivars IACSP93-6006 and SP79-1011 exhibited superior agronomic traits compared to RB83-5486, showing better adaptation to the soil and climate conditions of the study area. However, the technological attributes, which were below the minimum standard levels required by the sugar and ethanol industry, were not statistically different among the studied cultivars. The abundant rainfall and high temperatures, characteristics of an Af climate, were not favorable for sucrose accumulation in the IACSP93-6006, RB83-5486, and SP79-1011 cultivars. Therefore, despite the high yield, sugarcane intended for industrial purposes should not be grown under Af climate conditions, owing to the insufficient technological parameters.Downloads
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