Development and validation of a diagrammatic scale for quantifying maize leaf spots caused by Diplodia macrospora
Disease assessment, Epidemiology, Pathometry, Zea mays L.Abstract
The objective of this study was to develop and validate a diagrammatic scale to evaluate the severity of spots on maize leaves caused by the fungus Diplodia macrospora. Severity ranged between the minimal (0.5%) and maximal (55%) limits of disease severity, and intermediate severity levels were defined according to the "Weber-Fechner stimulus response law". The proposed scale describes six levels of severity based on how much of the leaf is affected: 0.5%, 3%, 8%, 23%, 36%, and 55%. Validation was carried out by eight evaluators, four inexperienced and four experienced. They estimated the severity of disease in 60 maize leaves, with and without the proposed diagrammatic scale. A relationship was shown by regression analysis between estimated and actual severity, with and without the use of the scale. When both inexperienced and experienced evaluators used the scale, they were able to estimate disease severity more accurately and precisely.Downloads
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