Taxonomic analysis of frame types according to comic story professionals
Linguagem visual, quadrinhos, taxonomia.Abstract
The visual language of comics is something that has been researched over time by several authors since it became an object of study. However, each author's production process is largely based on their experiences reading and producing comics. The lack of a larger study can cause confusion when producing, especially for beginner comic artists who do not have much experience and are looking for content to help them. This article aims to use a taxonomic proposal on the types of frames and interview several comic artists from different areas to understand how each one's process is, and how they understand these types of frames, and if they can be useful for their work. This article suggests that a taxonomic proposal that systematizes the way of thinking about comics can help comic artists, without excluding the fact that a large part of the decision on what the frames are like stems from an intuitive and sensitive process, which uses more of the repertoire of the comic artist and the frame context rather than fixed rules.
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