Cultural diversity, plurality, difference: what is the point?
Curriculum, Democracy, Cultural diversities, Foucault, RancièreAbstract
This article discusses an increasingly more present shift in Brazilian education: cultural diversities that have become curricular needs. In order to better understand this issue, we analyze its emergence through some federal documents – Transversal theme Cultural Plurality, in the PCNs (National Curricular Guidelines), National Curriculum Guidelines for Ethnic-Racial Relations and for Teaching Afro-Brazilian and African History and Culture and the Ethics and Citizenship Program: constructing values at school and in society - aimed at recognizing connections established in the cited documents with the contemporary struggles linked to the recognition of identity. It is an attempt to draw a parallel between such struggles and contemporary democracy issues, based on the misunderstanding notions in Jacques Rancière and powers and rights in Michel Foucault.Downloads
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