History in the culture, culture in history: elements for a comparative analysis betwee n Walter Benjamin and Gianni Vattimo.
History, Culture, Benjamin, VattimoAbstract
This article focuses, upon a comparative perspective, some questions about Walter Benjamin’s and Gianni Vattimo’s thoughts, concerning their ideas of history, having as its central axis the notion of culture. The rejection of Benjamin to advance the continuity of historicism, which marked the western culture in the late 19th and early 20th century, leads the author to formulate new theoretical positions to think about the story not as progress and concatenation of objective facts, but as instability and disaster. Moreover, through a hermeneutic approach to nature, Vattimo proposes to look at history in order to unlink it from the solidification of the facts and objectivity, since it can only be accessed as a text by an interpretive act.Downloads
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