Between the homo oeconomicus and the homo criminalis: neoliberalism, punishment and regimes of subjectivation




Neoliberalism, Punishment, Authoritarianism, Neoliberal rationality, Government of insecurity


The article addresses the processes of neoliberal subjectivation in the field of punishment and criminalization. We first reconstruct M. Foucault's argument regarding the transformations promoted by neoliberalism in the context of punishment and its correlated modality of subjectivation. We argue that his prognosis regarding the future of normalizing institutions, such as the prison, turned out to be, in part, historically mistaken. We then proceed to explore the central argument of the article, namely, that in the past three decades, political technologies and forms of subjectivation in the sphere of punishment have been marked by reciprocal support between neoliberal and other disciplinary and sovereign mechanisms. To this end, we conduct a theoretical-analytical discussion based on empirical examples from countries such as the United States and Brazil. We aim to contribute, thus, from the sociology of punishment, to the contemporary discussion regarding the confluence between neoliberalism and authoritarianism.

Author Biographies

Eduardo Altheman, Universidade de São Paulo - USP

PhD in Sociology from the Universidade de São Paulo - USP. Professor at the Graduate Program in Sociology at the Universidade de São Paulo - USP.

Alexandre Martins, Universidade de São Paulo - USP

Doctorate in Latin American Integration Program at the Universidade de São Paulo - USP.

Pedro Camargos, Universidade de São Paulo - USP

Master in Sociology from the Universidade de São Paulo - USP. Professor of Social Framework at the Instituto Israelita de Ensino e Pesquisa Albert Einstein - IIEPAE.


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How to Cite

ALTHEMAN, Eduardo; MARTINS, Alexandre; CAMARGOS, Pedro. Between the homo oeconomicus and the homo criminalis: neoliberalism, punishment and regimes of subjectivation. Mediações - Revista de Ciências Sociais, Londrina, v. 25, n. 2, p. 339–357, 2020. DOI: 10.5433/2176-6665.2020v25n2p339. Disponível em: Acesso em: 7 jul. 2024.




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