New/Old ways of organizing and explointing labor: the “integrated production" in the agribusiness
Integration, Wage, Precariousness, Subsumption of laborAbstract
This paper analyzes the so-called "integrated production" in the Brazilian agribusiness. The "integration" is a way of organizing production and labor in which a company receiving services firm an exclusive contract with farmers for alleged supply of a product component of its production process. The model is undertaken an apparent monopsony, but actually is a relation of wage policy, in an attempt to disguise some bold. There are wide control policyholder services on the production process of "integrated", which have become brokers of labor or just one employee among the others involved in production. The corollary of "integration" have been the extreme subsuming of the contractor workers and the brutal impoverishment of all workers (including children) involved. Part of this paper presents research conducted in two enterprises in the poultry industry in northeastern Bahia who adopt the model of "integration".Downloads
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