De Novo Creari : School manuscript analysis through intertextuality and creativity topics
Creativity, Intertextuality, Textual Analysis.Abstract
Since its initial theorization, (TATARKIEWICK, 1980; KOLP, 2009) creativity is studied through multiple approaches. The classroom textual production approach (ALBUQUERQUE, 1992; MAKSI?; ŠEVKUŠI?, 2012; GRAINGER, GOOUCH; LAMBIRTH, 2005) points out that we have in intertextuality (KRISTEVA, 1986; BEAUGRANDE; DRESSLER, 1981; BAZERMAN, 2007, 2011; KOCH et al., 2008, 2010) a strong token that a text is more creative, allied to criteria specific to creativity to be analyzed and proper aspects of the classroom writing (CALIL, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012a, 2012b; CALIL; LIMA, 2007). This paper proposes an analysis of school manuscripts, produced by recently-literate children, in the classroom environment with the main goal of determining in which way a text can be considered creative, this way we defined four topics, that are subdivided in nineteen criteria. Two topics are related to intertextuality (wide and by the standardization of the social language at use) and two are related to creativity itself (playing with language and idea originality, authenticity and imagination). Our corpus is composed of 143 manuscripts, result of the ‘Tales of How and Why’ project, made in a private school in Maceió, Alagoas, Brazil. From these manuscripts, we chose 20 to a deeper analysis and the results pointed out the proportion of 65% intertextuality criteria over 35% of creativity criteria. We also present the textual analysis of two of these manuscripts. The data and results obtained offer us an initial definition of creativity of text production in the school context.Downloads
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