Cartografia das poéticas espaciais em “Pedras de maluco”
Maluco de estradaAbstract
The documentary “Malucos de Estada – Parte II: Cultura de BR” addresses the paths of spatial poetics, highlighting the subjects that mark a rupture with the hippie imaginary as conceived in the 1970s, intimately linked to counterculture, while simultaneously inserting themselves in zones of indiscernibility defended through the sign of freedom. For this reason, they are called “road lunatics,” inscribed by social markers capable of characterizing such alterities linked to “nomadism”, responsible for the constant transit to which they are subjected. This article proposes a reflection on the spatial poetics present in the recording of oral narratives of these subjects to demonstrate the construction of the “Pedra de maluco”, a place-event that is constituted from the experience of the “road lunatics”. To do so, drawing from documented oral poetics, the concept of “road lunatic”, intersected by notions of transience and anchored in theories of spatial poetics (AUGÉ, 2012; ZUMTHOR, 2005) and oral narratives (COSTA, 2005; FERNANDES, 2007), we will demonstrate the construction of the concept of “Crazy Stone” as a site of significance.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Antonio Cláudio da Silva Neto, Jose Carlos Felix
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