Turn on the lights: DJ Dolores’ engaged poetry





Manguebit, DJ Dolores, Marginal literature


This study analytically approaches songs linked to the Manguebit Movement, especially the work A casta, by DJ Dolores, and reflects the insertion of these productions in the marginal literature scene. The reading proposal makes efforts to understand the aesthetic and discursive position of DJ Dolores' works in the context of the confrontation between the emerging sensations in the new musical scene and the markers usually mobilized to feel traditional poetic forms. We also consider it relevant to consider, based on Goffman (1975), the idea of stigma and how it relates to the representation of subjects in the narratives expressed through these songs. Parallel to this, we construct interpretations and explore themes arising from such narratives, once again associating these songs with the idea of peripheral literature.


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Author Biographies

Antonio Carlos Soares de Brito, Universidade Regional do Cariri

Undergraduate in Literature – Portuguese Language and its respective literatures from the Universidade Regional do Cariri (URCA), Crato - CE.

Edson Soares Martins, Universidade Regional do Cariri

PhD in Literature from the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPb), João Pessoa, PB. Associate Professor at the Regional University of Cariri (URCA), Crato - CE.


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How to Cite

Brito, A. C. S. de, & Martins, E. S. (2024). Turn on the lights: DJ Dolores’ engaged poetry. Boitatá, 19(37), 96–107. https://doi.org/10.5433/boitata.2024v19.e50397

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