History of marginal and peripheral literature: Preliminary notes for a literary micro-history in vulnerable territories





Marginal and peripheral literature, Vulnerable territories, Microhistory


The connection and terminological interdependence between the two terms – marginal and peripheral – as a conceptual dispute to name the literature produced in vulnerable territories consists of a theoretical horizon both to challenge the extremely homogeneous territory of canon literature, and to demarcate a political and aesthetic position in defense of the expansion of literary activity. Disputing the concept of marginal and peripheral literature and making explicit its historical density, its sensitive sharing and its participatory work constitutes a necessary aim for revisionism and the reformulation of the outdated idea of national literature, depository of the old and antiquated manuals of literature. It also constitutes the updating of the modus operandi for the renewal of a history of Brazilian literature based on the political right to literature, with the legitimacy and well-being of health promotion, and in defense of the fluid literary diversity. And the field is opened for the presentation and representation of a literary micro-history of marginal and peripheral literature.


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Author Biography

Jucelino de Sales, Secretaria de Estado de Educação do Distrito Federal

PhD in Literature from the Universidade de Brasília (UnB), Brasília, DF. Professor of Basic Education at the Secretariat of State for Education of the Federal District and the Research Support Foundation of the Federal District (SEEDF), Brasília, DF.


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How to Cite

Sales, J. de. (2024). History of marginal and peripheral literature: Preliminary notes for a literary micro-history in vulnerable territories. Boitatá, 19(37), 108–122. https://doi.org/10.5433/boitata.2024v19.e50081

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