Reflecting on the articulations of literature and popular culture present in the oral tradition of Caxias-MA: the legend of Venice as an approach
Oral Literature, Legend, MemoryAbstract
The pertinent relations to the scenario of legends and stories from the oral tradition reflect the expressive diversity of cultural, social, historical, ideological models, among others. In this sense, the present study deals with the importance of discussing the influences that literature and popular culture present in the context of the city of Caxias - MA, having as a foundation the Legend of Venice. The proposal, therefore, arises from the attempt to understand how the articulations arising from this conjuncture correspond to aspects representative of a kind of testimony, of the memories of a place, as well as of the individuals who are inserted in it. For that, we will use as theorists: Zumthor (2014), Azevedo (2019), Cascudo (2010), outlining the discussion about literature and popular culture.Downloads
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How to Cite
Almeida, O. S. do N., & Mendes, A. de M. (2020). Reflecting on the articulations of literature and popular culture present in the oral tradition of Caxias-MA: the legend of Venice as an approach. Boitatá, 15(29), 160–171.
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