Literature teaching in the country field education: possibilities of dialogues with cultures and ways of living


  • Sílvia Gomes de Santana Velloso Universidade Federal da Bahia - UFBA



Literature, Reading, Teaching, Country Field Education


This article discusses the Literature teaching in the country field education, especially, bearing in mind the cultural and identity dialogues that the literary text can establish with the subjects in the reading training process. The country field, according to Arroio (2003), consists of an identity power, that is, it consists of subjects who have a diverse profile: “workers, peasants, women, black people, Indians, young people, homeless people. Historical collective subjects, moving, bothering, resisting. In motion” (ARROYO, 2003, p. 33), who denies and repulses any teaching proposal, that proves to be homogeneous and hierarchichal. In this perspective, it is expected that this text contributes to thinking about literature as an action that should take place in exchange with the experiences of social subjects


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Author Biography

Sílvia Gomes de Santana Velloso, Universidade Federal da Bahia - UFBA

PhD student in Literature and Culture at the Universidade Federal da Bahia - UFBA. Master in Cultural Criticism. Post Criticism in the line of research Letramentos, Identidades and Educators training by the Universidade do Estado da Bahia.


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How to Cite

Velloso, S. G. de S. (2019). Literature teaching in the country field education: possibilities of dialogues with cultures and ways of living. Boitatá, 14(27), 94–108.