The construction of the anthropophageal mosaic in Oré Awé Roiru´a Ma: every time we said goodbye




Native American literature, Anthropophagy, Oral tradition, Literacy


This article aims at discussing about the literary work of Kaká Werá Jecupé entitled Oré Awé Roiru’a Ma: todas as vezes que dissemos adeus, more specifically dealing with some of the “pieces” used to create a mosaic as an anthropophagous reaction throughout the narrative. Grounded in the theoretical works of Almeida e Queiroz (2005), Souza (2001) e Souza (2006), it was possible to observe the author's incorporation of elements of the non-indigenous society familiar to its readers and of the Native American oral tradition, as well as their resignification based on processes of inversion and on their insertion in writing and in the portuguese language. In addition, I discuss about Jecupé's appropriation of the graphocentric and utilitarian model of the non-indigenous society, relating it to the anthropophagous movement developed through the construction of the mosaic. As a counterpoint to this model, I deal with the “ideological model of literacy”, considering that it pursues the deconstruction of the deterministic approach of the previous model of literacy, being possible to view Jecupé's work as a situated social practice related to power.


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Author Biography

Caroline Scheuer Neves, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

Master's student in Applied Linguistics at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)


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How to Cite

Neves, C. S. (2014). The construction of the anthropophageal mosaic in Oré Awé Roiru´a Ma: every time we said goodbye. Boitatá, 9(18), 330–349.



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