Shared readings by three authors of the indigenous literature: an experience on alterities and the decolonization of curriculum


  • Samuel Frison Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul



Reading, Indígena Literature, Decolonization, Curriculum.


This article reports a shared reading experience involving the educators in the city of São Paulo. The pedagogical practice aimed to deepen the discussions about the importance of the school as a space for the formation of readers, the decolonization of the curriculum and the understanding of the indigenous alterities. The project took place during the Indigenous August and investigated the possibilities of decolonization of the curriculum from the children's and youth literature by three exponents of the indigenous culture: Daniel Mundukuru, Kaká Werá Jecupé and Yaguarê Yamã. The shared works deal with themes of ancestry and cosmogony, providing the observation of their reception by readers and listeners. The result of the experience culminated in the deepening of the discussions on ethical and aesthetic issues that contemplate respect for the indigenous culture and the unveiling of new knowledge not yet contemplated by the school curriculum, based on an ecological perspective (SANTOS), cosmic (MORIN) and dialectic (FREIRE).


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Author Biography

Samuel Frison, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

PhD in Applied Literary Studies at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Professor at the Municipal Education Network of São Paulo.


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How to Cite

Frison, S. (2016). Shared readings by three authors of the indigenous literature: an experience on alterities and the decolonization of curriculum. Boitatá, 11(22), 164–178.




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