Enhancement of oocytes obtainment in Nelore heifers (Bos taurus indicus) treated with progesterone injection and benzoate of estradiol
Follicular aspiration, Bovine, Protocol of follicular pre-aspirationAbstract
The aim of this study was to evaluate two pre-aspiration protocols associated with PGF2a. Nelore heifers (n=14), not pregnant, body score of 2.5 (scale of 1 to 5) were used. All animals were submitted to two treatments (cross over) to control the follicular wave of growth, one by follicular ablation 3 days before the aspiration (PAF) and another by hormonal control with estrogen and injectable progesterone (PCH). Data were analyzed by ANOVA and significant differences were compared by Tukey test, with significance level of 5%. The hormonal control protocol (PCH) provided advantages as higher average of follicles and oocytes, reduction in the number of corpus luteum and one procedure less – the follicle ablation. We concluded that the hormone control protocol (PCH) is a viable alternative for pre-aspiration treatments, with additional benefits for the absence of corpus luteum at the time of follicular aspiration.
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