Sample sizing for common bean traits in irrigated and non-irrigated conditions




Experimental precision, Phaseolus vulgaris, Resampling


The use of statistical methods to evaluate plant growth and production is crucial for the technological advancement of common bean. The aim of this study was to determine the sample size necessary to estimate the mean of traits evaluated in different cultivars and irrigation conditions. Data were collected fortnightly from two 3 × 2 factorial experiments (three cultivars: Triunfo, Garapiá, and FC104; two irrigation regimes: irrigated and non-irrigated). Eighteen traits were evaluated (height, stem diameter, number of nodes, root length, shoot and root fresh and dry weights, leaf temperature, leaf area, number of nodules, nodule fresh and dry weights, number of pods, pod length, grains per pod, grains per plant, and grain dry weight). The sample size was determined using the bootstrapping resampling method from 2,000 resamplings, and was defined as the number of plants at which the 95% confidence interval was 10% to 40% of the estimate of the mean. As a result, the sample size differs between traits and between the cultivars and irrigation conditions tested. In the 95% confidence interval with a standard error of 40% of the estimate of the mean, to evaluate all analyzed traits, 44 plants are needed for the shoot traits, 132 for the root traits, and 12 for the yield traits. To analyze the 18 studie0d traits, 132 plants are required.


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Author Biographies

Valeria Pohlmann, Universidade Federal de Pelotas

Dra of the Postgraduate Program in Family Agricultural Production System, Universidade Federal de Pelotas, UFPEL, Pelotas, RS, Brazil.

Sidinei José Lopes, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, UFSM, Santa Maria, RS

Prof. Dr., Department of Crop Science, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, UFSM, Santa Maria, RS, Brazil.

Isabel Lago, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Profa Dra, Department of Crop Science, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, UFSM, Santa Maria, RS, Brazil.

André Schoffel, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Prof. Dr., Department of Center for Health and Agricultural Sciences, Universidade de Cruz Alta, UNICRUZ, Cruz Alta, Brazil.

Caren Alessandra Müller, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

 Dra., Department of Crop Science, UFSM, Santa Maria, RS, Brazil.

Menigui Spanevello Dalcin, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Student in Agronomy, UFSM, Santa Maria, RS, Brazil.

Pamela Nunes Bittencourt, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Student in Agronomy, UFSM, Santa Maria, RS, Brazil.


Jessica Taynara da Silva Martins, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, UFSM, Santa Maria, RS

Dra, of the Postgraduate Program in Crop Science, Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense, UENF, Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ, Brazil.

Luiz Fernando Flores de Siqueira, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

MSc. in Soil Science, Department of Soil, UFSM, Santa Maria, RS, Brazil.


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How to Cite

Pohlmann, V., Lopes, S. J., Lago, I., Schoffel, A., Müller, C. A., Dalcin, M. S., … Siqueira, L. F. F. de. (2022). Sample sizing for common bean traits in irrigated and non-irrigated conditions. Semina: Ciências Agrárias, 43(5), 2323–2338.




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