Salinomycin intoxication in pigs associated with the use of tiamulin in the State of Santa Catarina, Brazil




Ionophores, Pig farming, Toxic myopathy.


This paper describes a spontaneous outbreak of toxic myopathy in finishing pigs due to the ingestion of feed with salinomycin associated with tiamulin and addresses the control methods performed during the outbreak to minimize economic losses resulting from the intoxication. A lot of 940 pigs fed feed containing 30 ppm salinomycin received 100 ppm tiamulin (via water) to control recurrent respiratory diseases on the farm. After ingesting tiamulin, some animals manifested clinical signs of motor incoordination, stiff gait, reluctance to move, muscle weakness and tremors, dyspnea, depression, and decubitus, remaining in “sitting-dog position” or with the abduction of the pelvic limbs, and rested on tip-toes when in a standing position. Two animals were euthanized for macro-and microscopic evaluation. The other sick animals received supportive anti-inflammatory treatment. The most relevant macroscopic finding observed during necropsy was the slight pallor of the pelvic limb muscles. The main histopathological findings consisted of multifocal areas of hyaline degeneration and marked necrosis of skeletal myofibers, with macrophage infiltrate associated with cell regeneration and skeletal fiber phagocytosis. These lesions were more intense in the longissimus dorsi, diaphragm, and masseter muscles. The definitive diagnosis was based on epidemiological aspects and clinical lesional conditions compatible with toxic myopathy secondary to ionophore intoxication.


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Author Biographies

Amanda Queiroz de Carvalho, Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Paraná

Ph.D., Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Paraná, IFPR, Capanema, PR, Brazil.

Claudia Salete Wisser, State University of Santa Catarina

Ph.D., State University of Santa Catarina, UDESC, Lages, SC, Brazil.

Fernanda Laskoski, State University of Santa Catarina

Undergraduate Veterinary Medicine Students, UDESC, Lages, SC, Brazil.

Mateus Casalini Maturana, State University of Santa Catarina

Undergraduate Veterinary Medicine Students, UDESC, Lages, SC, Brazil.

José Cristani, State University of Santa Catarina

Ph.D., State University of Santa Catarina, UDESC, Lages, SC, Brazil.

Sandra Davi Traverso, State University of Santa Catarina

Ph.D., State University of Santa Catarina, UDESC, Lages, SC, Brazil.


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How to Cite

Carvalho, A. Q. de, Wisser, C. S., Laskoski, F., Maturana, M. C., Cristani, J., & Traverso, S. D. (2021). Salinomycin intoxication in pigs associated with the use of tiamulin in the State of Santa Catarina, Brazil. Semina: Ciências Agrárias, 42(3), 1101–1110.




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