Field corn yield in response to humic acids application in the absence or presence of liming and mineral fertilization
Plant production, Soil chemistry and fertility, Plant nutrition, Humic substances.Abstract
Corn cultivation continually demands new technologies, since average yields can still be increased. This study aimed to evaluate the response of high-yield corn to humic acids, isolated from organic manure compost, with or without the application of lime and fertilizer. The experiment was conducted at Milhão® ( in Florestal, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Three treatments were used: (a) control, without liming, fertilization, or humic acids; (b) conventional farm cultivation, with liming and fertilization; (c) liming, fertilization, and humic acids applied to seeds. The experiment design was a randomized block with five replicates (fifteen experimental units). Lime was applied at 1.6 Mg ha-1, incorporated into total area. Fertilization treatments included 300 kg ha-1 NPK 08-28-16 at sowing, and 500 kg ha-1 NPK 20-00-20 in coverage. The concentration of humic acids used in both seed treatment was 10 mmol L-1 of C. Biometrics and biomass productivity were evaluated at harvest time. Humic acids, whether applied as a seed coating, increased yield by ~15% higher than conventional farm cultivation, and this difference was statistically significant. Therefore, the use of humic acids based plant regulators is positive and complementary to the inputs generally used for corn yield.Downloads
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