Decrease in the number of agricultural farms in the state of Paraná, Brazil
PNAD, Employer, Self-employed, Agricultural activity, Area division.Abstract
Issues related to farms have begun to be discussed in a global context due to their importance in the economic development process, as they have a direct impact on the social transformations within and away from the countryside and are an important part of the system ensuring the food supply and food security for the population. Thus, the aim of this study was to characterize the trends in the number of farms in the rural areas of Paraná, Brazil, by main type of activity and by land size category for the period from 2002 to 2014. Data from the National Household Sample Survey were used, and the mean annual variation rates were calculated via Student’s t-test using a log-linear ordinary least squares regression model. A reduction of 3.5% per annum (pa) was seen in the number of farms, both in relation to main activities and land size. There was a sharper decline in the number of farms dedicated to soybean (8.9% pa) and corn (6.3% pa) production and in the number of farms ranging in size from 10 ha to < 100 ha of land (7.09% pa). This information may support the establishment of public actions focused on the farming sector in Paraná.Downloads
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