Structural plasticity and isolation of umbilical cord progenitor cells of agouti (Dasyprocta prymnolopha) raised in captivity
Cell culture. Gestational stages. Umbilical cord. Morphology. Agouti.Abstract
The agouti has been used as an experimental model in several studies focused on reproductive biology. The umbilical cord, an embryonic attachment that connects the foetus to the placenta, has been reported as an important anatomical site for obtaining stem cells. The objective of this study was to describe macro- and microscopically the umbilical cord of agoutis at different stages of gestation, to expand and cultivate in vitro the progenitor cells and to report their morphological characteristics. Seven cutias were submitted to caesarean section to collect the umbilical cords: five were destined for studies of cord structure in different stages of gestation (30, 35, 50, 75 and 100 days postcoital), and two were collected in the third stage of gestation for isolation and cell culture. The umbilical cord of cutias assumes a spiral arrangement, with veins and arteries on it starting 50 days after coitus. The arteries present an outer layer of smooth muscle fibres in a longitudinal and circular arrangement and a medium layer of smooth muscle fibres with only longitudinal and intimate orientation and coated by the endothelium. The veins consist of longitudinal smooth muscle fibres with an extract of smooth muscle cells, and the endothelium, in all analysed gestational phases, is a structure bounded by simple pavement epithelial tissue originating from the amnion, adhered to Wharton's Jelly and forming the umbilical vessels and allantoid duct. The proposed protocol allowed the collection of a high cellular concentration of umbilical cord progenitor cells from viable cutias.Downloads
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