Design for Character Development: archetypal psychology as a implement for creating and designing characters for an animated series




Character design, Archetypal psychology, Digital, Animation.


From the innate desire of telling stories, man seeks for depictions of everyday life through drawing, sculptures, photographs, and other media that allow him to express himself. Such sharing is increasingly reaching more people, due to the development of technologies and the return of these for communication. Within this perspective, this study aims to present the creation process of characters for a children’s animation, focusing on media able to support digital animation. In this case study, we sought to understand the processes of characters design through archetypal psychology, inserted in the stage of production and appropriate to the content of children’s narratives. Thus, we prepared a form guide, targeted to the design of animated characters, for the professionals of DesignLab, a laboratory linked to the Design Undergraduate and Graduate Program of Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. As a result, we obtained the creation of the characters’ psychological profiles that will be part of the series designed by the laboratory. From the characters, the visual components of the animation will be drawn up according to their trajectories throughout the story.

Author Biographies

Josiane Vieira Campos, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - UFSC

Master's Student of the Postgraduate Program in Design at the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Paulo Henrique Wolf, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - UFSC

Master's in Design and Graphic Expression at the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Milton Luiz Horn Vieira, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - UFSC

Doctor in Production Engineering. Professor at the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina


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How to Cite

Campos, J. V., Wolf, P. H., & Vieira, M. L. H. (2014). Design for Character Development: archetypal psychology as a implement for creating and designing characters for an animated series. Projetica, 5(1), 09–24.




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