Heinrich von Treitschke: between the readings of Émile Durkheim e Raymond Aron
Henirich von Treitschke, Émile Durkheim, Raymond Aron, Realpolitik, MachtpolitikAbstract
This article highlights two readings influenced by the text Politik, by the German historian Heinrich von Treitschke (1834-1896). The first is found in the publication “L'Allemagne au-dessus de tout: la mentalité allemande et la guerre”, written by Émile Durkheim (1858-1917) in 1915. The second reading, appears inside the book Paix et Guerre Entre les Nations, signed by Raymond Aron (1905-1983) in 1962. The article turns to the main points of Treitschke, highlighted in the approaches of Durkheim and Aron, and aims to analyze to what extent the differences in views Durkheimian and Aronian responds satisfactorily to Treitschke's perspective. As peculiar readers, Durkheim and Aron offer two important keys from the debate motivated by Treitschke's writings, since political power, its configurations and possibilities, also emerge as points of bibliographic discussion and reflections on the risks, successes and intellectual impostures, in the face of decisive circumstances of diplomacy, international relations and the sociology.Downloads
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