The textual genres in the Textbook Síntesis of Spanish Language
Learning, Student, Textual genres, Textbook Síntesis, Spanish languageAbstract
In this work we analyse as the textual genres are used in the textbook Síntesis of Spanish language in High School and what implications this structure provides for student. For that we decribed the diversity of genres composed in the mentioned textbook and we discussed the implications this organization. We used as theoretical base the approach by PCN (1998), and the studies by Almeida Filho (2008), Bakhtin (2003), Marcuschi (2008), among others. We verified that the analysed textbook availables a good diversity of genres, containing both formal and informal registry, and most them belongs the writing modality, but with genres of the orality and even of the visual and multimodal modality. The texts have an adequate size with simple and acessible language according to student age. The themes in the genres are in a communicative purpose with variety and adequation and they are recents and extracted of sources that are inserted in the social context. Therefore, the textbook Síntesis is a relevant manual to student learning because it offers a proposal through texts with a good diversity of genres, adequatly for students, that possibilite real situations of communication.
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