Continuing teacher education for teaching Portuguese in the Integra Educação Paraíba Program
Continuous teaching education, Teaching, Portuguese Language, Documents, Critical-reflective paradigmAbstract
Studies to develop teachers' knowledge have become the object of research, considering the growing interest in teaching education practices. At this context, the central research question is: What aspects of teacher education are necessary to be mobilized the Programa Integra Educação Paraíba? To answer this question, our general objective to investigate the continuous professional development provided by the Integra Educação Paraíba Program, with an emphasis on the reinterpretation of studies conducted for Portuguese Language teachers in the early years of elementary education. Methodologically, the research fits within the field of Applied Linguistics and the critical-reflective paradigm. Data was collected from documents provided by the instructor who led the training. The analysis and discussions reveal that the continuous education occurs in a vertical and deductive manner, leaving participants to use the didactic sequences provided, based on the knowledge and guidelines recommended during the training sessions. Additionally, the findings indicate that teachers do not participate in selecting the content, considering their interests, as well as their importance for the reflection and resignification of what they carry out in their teaching actions, in the schooling of content equivalent to language practices.
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