Multimodalidade na ação de ensinar língua inglesa para crianças como ferramenta didática na coconstrução do sentido
Multimodalidade, Ensino da língua inglesa, Livros ilustradosAbstract
This article, under the theme planning and mobilization of didactic tools in the co-construction of meaning in the classroom, aims to propose and analyze multimodal actions for teaching English to children in the 1st year of elementary school. The study is anchored in Le Ferrec and Leclère (2015) and Leclère (2021) with regard to the meanings produced in the language classroom; Kress et al (2001) regarding multimodal teaching and learning and Kress (2010) and Ribeiro (2021) regarding multimodality. This investigation is characterized as exploratory and bibliographic with a qualitative data approach. The selected corpora are constituted by the illustrated book Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? by Bill Martin Jr. and Eric Carle, and by student-produced games for teaching and learning. The results showed that the multimodal teaching of the English language favors the learning of the students, especially the children in the literacy process, since the language through the visual mode is more recurrent.
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