The effects of meaning apprehended in graffiti: ideological and socio-historical crossings




Speech effects. Advertisement. Graffiti. Ideological formations.


This work is based on the theoretical perspective of French-line Discourse Analysis, which allows us to study the phenomena of language from the linguistic materiality and also the relationship that language establishes with history and ideology, as it configures itself. As a study tool, through the concepts of Discursive Formation, Ideological Formation and Conditions of Production, and addresses the theme of urban discourse, specifically graffiti, selected from the internet. The main objective of this paper is is to study the discursive functioning in the production of meanings, in order to verify how the possible effects of meanings are materialized in/through  language. With this work, we understand the sociocultural dimensions and the production of meaning through the discourse present in the graffiti, identifying the ideological crossings that permeate thems, reflecting on the extralinguistic aspects and the multiple possibilities of meaning effects related to ideological formations.


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Author Biographies

Ana Carolina Bernardino, PhD student in Language Studies/University of Londrina

Graduated in Letters ( Vernaculars and Classics dregree) from the State University of Londrina (2016), Masters in Language Studies (2019) and is currently a PhD student in Language Studies at the University of Londrina. She develops studies in the area of text and discourse, taking as a theoretical contribution the French-oriented Discourse Analysis.

Rosemeri Passos Baltazar Machado, Associate Professor/State University of Londrina

Graduated in Letters (Anglo and Vernaculars Degree) from the State University of Londrina (1993), Master's in Letters (1999) and PhD in Language Studies from the State University of Londrina (2007). She is an Associate Professor at the State University of Londrina; Coordinator of the Specialization Course in Portuguese; Professor of the Program in Language Studies – PPGEL and develops Research Projects in the area of Discourse Analysis at the same institution. He is a member of the Board of Anpoll – National Association of Postgraduate Studies and Research in Letters and Linguistics (2018 – 2020 management).

Ana Luisa Loureiro Bracarense Costa, Master student/University of São Paulo

Graduated in Letters (Vernacular and Classical Degree) and Law from the State University of Londrina. Currently, she is a Master's student in Semiotic Studies at University of São Paulo. She is a member of the Research Project entitled "PAD II - Diversity and social inequality: the exclusion/inclusion of the subject in/through history". She develops studies in the area of text and discourse, taking as theoretical support the French and Semiotics Discourse Analysis.


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How to Cite

BERNARDINO, Ana Carolina; MACHADO, Rosemeri Passos Baltazar; COSTA, Ana Luisa Loureiro Bracarense. The effects of meaning apprehended in graffiti: ideological and socio-historical crossings. Entretextos, Londrina, v. 22, n. 1, p. 40–54, 2022. DOI: 10.5433/1519-5392.2022v22n1p40. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 feb. 2025.




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