Intensive concessive structures in spoken Spanish: a functional discourse point of view
Concession, Spanish Language, Functional discourse grammarAbstract
In this article, we study the concessive constructions in peninsular spoken Spanish introduced by conjunctive locution, por mucho que in the light of Functional Discourse Grammar theory (HENGEVELD; MACKENZIE, 2008). It is intended to investigate in which level and layer proposed by this theory these constructions act. As investigation universe, we analyze surveys from PRESEEA Project according to the following criteria: levels and layers of acting, verbal tenses and moods of the clauses, ordering and prosodic marks. The results show that the clauses prefaced by such structures can act in the layer of the Discursive Acts, as a rhetorical function, or even in the Propositional Content layer as a semantic function. The recurrent use of new constructions in the language to express semantic notions such as concessivity, as in the case of Por mucho [N] que [N/pron] Vsubj (ROSARIO, 2014), can be explained by the fact that communicative needs lead the speakers to be specific through grammatical coding.Downloads
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