Who sings scares away his woes: the appropriation of musical artistic knowledge mediated by family members
Teaching practice in early childhood education, Visual arts, Musicalization.Abstract
In a time when the National Curricular Common Base - BNCC (BRASIL, 2017) is in force, a set of teaching practices of a Step 1 teacher (4-year-old children) of the Early Childhood Education of the city of Araçatuba-SP year of 2017 still based on the National Curriculum Framework for Early Childhood Education - RCNEI (BRAZIL, 1998), a document chosen by the Municipal Secretary of Education to direct the teaching actions. These practices aimed at the appropriation of musical language by children, including songs and speeches in the artistic practice of children and their families, something that the Quality Indicators in Early Childhood Education (BRAZIL, 2009) aimed at. Thus, the present work intends to present and discuss a pedagogical proposal that finds support both in the guidelines provided in the federal documents aimed at the implementation of the Trilhas Project, as well as in a theoretical framework on children 's music and the child' s artistic production, which encompasses different languages such as Music, articulated to Oral and Written Language and Visual Arts, creating conditions for the involvement of family members in children's artistic productions. The data presented and discussed in this article were collected during twenty-three weeks by means of videotapes of the dialogues of the children with their teacher, as well as of the photographic record of the productions made with the relatives in their residences. The work contributes to the child's ability to appropriate new knowledge in a dialogical and enjoyable way, as well as to create conditions for greater involvement of the family in the tasks of the children.Downloads
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