


Indigenous literature, Desana people, Animism, Indigenous perspectivism


The book Antes o mundo não existia (Before the world did not exist) (2019 [1980]) presents the narrative complexity of the Desana people, located in the region of Alto Rio Negro, in the Amazon. The text was composed by Umusi Pãrõkumu and Tõrãmʉ̃ Kẽhíri who translated from the oral repertoire Desana into Portuguese several founding stories of their culture. In the manner of epic and oral literature, the tales of creation of the world and of the different beings, human and non-human, stand out. A careful reading of this text requires dialogue with anthropological theories, in particular, with the Indigenous perspectivism of Eduardo Viveiros de Castro (2016), as well as the appreciation of orality (NAYAR, 2020), of myth (ELIADE, 2011; RIBEIRO, 1994), of animism in literature and of contemporary Indigenous literature in Brazil (GRAÚNA, 2013; SÁ, 2012; ALMEIDA, QUEIROZ, 2004).


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How to Cite

Lampert Varnieri, M. (2024). THE BOOK-CANOE OF DESANA NARRATORS IN THE WORK “ANTES O MUNDO NÃO EXISTIA”. Boitatá, 18(36), e023016.

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