The Mermaids of Jericoacoara and its lunatipo heroes




Fantastic literature, Mermaids, Religion and Literature, Sacred feminine.


This work propose the critical method of human attention to the mystery of the sacred feminine in the tale ???????? of André de Sena. The story is a narrative of fictional travel and is inserted in the context of the new Brazilian regional imaginative literature. This article is shared with the methods and the symbolic poetry of the reflection there is existential through reports of meetings. From the figure of the mermaid and the metamorphosis of the sea, typical and typical expressions of a locality can be found, which configure modes of thinking in relation to the emancipation of postmodern individuality. Despite scientific advances and technological, a mutual origin of life and death still disconsolate to a woman who, until then, a link to women's secrets. Through the interpretation of the insult, the contrasts between the mobilities and superstitions at different times in Brazil are also discussed. For a context analysis, a transdisciplinary theoretical framework of self-response was used in the areas of anthropology, literature and history; in order to ensure an approach to literary dialogue that reflects the eternal human becoming between his ancestry and his destiny.


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Author Biography

Andréa Caselli Gomes, Universidade Federal da Paraíba

Master of Science in Religion. Historian. Belvidera member - UFPE 19th century literature research group


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How to Cite

Gomes, A. C. (2018). The Mermaids of Jericoacoara and its lunatipo heroes. Boitatá, 13(25), 173–186.



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