Efigênia Rolim: the trapeira narrator
Oldness, Narrator, Experience, Efigênia RolimAbstract
Efigênia Ramos Rolim is an artist of seventy and seven years who, dressed on suits special and manipulating objects and personages, all facts of bullet papers, plastic and other sucatas and elaborated by herself, counts histories. From the its history of life and its production we will approach the concernentes problems to the decay of the oral narration and the relation with the decay of the experience and the depreciation of the oldness. For in such a way, we take as base the reflections of Walter Benjamin on the disappearance of the traditional narrator and the crisis of the experience and we will to point the relation with the depreciation of the old today. Anda we we will try to show that Efigênia is an exception case, opposing to the oldness figures, her creation and histories act as a focus of resistance na modernity, becoming the prove, even so the narration and the verbal narrator can be in crisis in our society, but had not died.
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