Fruits and vegetables at the supply center of Bahia, Brazil: why not just supply, but also loss?
Food and nutrition security, Food systems, Postharvest loss, Supply, Sustainability.Abstract
Food loss is a global challenge with significant economic, environmental, and social implications. In Brazil, it is estimated that fruit and vegetable losses range between 30% and 35% from production to the final consumer. This study analyzed the extent of fruit and vegetable loss and its determinants at the Supply Center of the State of Bahia (CEASA-Bahia), Brazil, taking into account the diversity of sales establishments. A cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach was conducted using questionnaires administered to sellers at the Salvador Supply Center in Bahia, Brazil. The sample consisted of 132 sellers, representing three categories: stalls, stones, and boxes. Over 85% of the sellers had not received any training in food handling. Precarious facilities and insufficient conservation technologies were observed, with only 12.9% of sellers having refrigeration facilities. Although 56.1% of the sellers denied experiencing losses, a weekly loss of 26.30 t of vegetables and 127.4 t of fruit was estimated, representing 2.26% of the acquired amount. In absolute values, this corresponds to over 150 t of wasted food. There was no policy in place at the Center to prevent or reduce food loss, with only timid initiatives such as donations (28.8%) and discounts (6.8%). The findings highlight the potential for implementing programs aimed at preventing food losses.
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