Preparation of tambacu protein concentrates using different methodologies
Chemical composition, Ethanol, Utilization of residues, Lipid removal steps.Abstract
The aim of this study was to develop methodologies to obtain fish protein concentrates from tambacu filleting residues, characterize their physical-chemical composition and evaluate their sensory profile. Concentrates were prepared by one of three methodologies: cooking of the raw material and subsequent drying (FPC1); cooking, drying, lipid removal with ethanol at 70 °C and final drying (FPC2); and three washing steps of the raw material with ethanol at 70 °C and drying (FPC3). FPC2 had a lower final yield (15.5%) and chroma a* (1.77) and chroma b* values (14.12) but higher moisture (5.22%) and protein content (80.39%) and luminosity (74.97), in addition to having the weakest fish taste compared to FPC1 and FPC3. FPC1 had the strongest odour, darkest colour, and strongest fish taste compared to FPC2 and FPC3. Ash, pH values, and water activity were not different between the concentrates. It is concluded that the methodology where lipid removal steps are carried out after cooking and drying (FPC2) is more effective for the removal of lipids and deodorization of tambacu protein concentrate.Downloads
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