Design for services and sound aesthetics in the servicescape: influence on the user aesthetics experience
Sound aesthetics, Aesthetics experience, Servicescape, Service design, SoundscapeAbstract
The present research investigates the influence of sound aesthetics on the service environment, from the perspective of Service Design. The investigation was guided by the questioning: how does sound aesthetics influence the user aesthetics experience in a given service environment? The main objective was to demonstrate how sound aesthetics influence the user aesthetics experience. In order to achieve the research purposes, a bibliographic review was performed using two techniques: systematic and narrative. In addition to that, a survey was carried out using the RPE-Hearing tool. The research took place in a shopping mall in the city of Curitiba. The target audience was users in the service environment of said mall. Participants were selected randomly, but they had to be at least 14 years old. Results show that the sound landscape of a service environment influences the creation and maintenance of mood states, whether positive or negative. Future work may include a research involving other hedonic service environments in order to deepen the knowledge about the influence of the sound landscape on the user aesthetics experience of services.Downloads
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