The political career pattern of federal deputies at Arena Bahia: stable trajectories and personal loyalties
Political parties, Authoritarianism, DemocracyAbstract
This paper aims at analyzing the degree of partisan cohesion of ARENA in Bahia, having the investigation of political career patterns of ARENA's federal deputies elected under the two-party system as guideline. In order to measure the degree of cohesion, data referring to Congressmen's party trajectories will be taken as variables. Therefore, aspects such as the number of party migrations, the time of affiliation previous to being elected in the Congress, and the number of offices occupied and mandates held will be taken as parameters for analysis. Finally, this article explains, for example, the fragmentation of the inner structure and composition of ARENA in Bahia, and the subsequent electoral failure of its successor -PDS-after the New Republic by means of the political trajectory of its primary leaders remaining from the pro-government legend.Downloads
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