Call for papers - Dossier: Uses of Intersectionality - Political Struggles and Theoretical Reflections (Mediações, vol. 30, n.1 – 2025/1).


Organizers: Marcella Beraldo de Oliveira (UFJF) and Marilis Lemos de Almeida (UFPEL).

The term intersectionality emerged within the context of black women's activist movements, seeking to highlight the multiple systems of subordination and shedding light on the centrality of racism in processes of domination. Since then, despite the considerable heterogeneity of perspectives surrounding the meanings of this theoretical-political category, intersectionality has gained ground and recognition in academic and political spheres, but it has also received significant criticisms. In light of this, and aiming to advance the consolidation and dissemination of this agenda, the Dossier intends to bring together studies that highlight the potential of the intersectionality category to address the articulation between different axes of oppression and the processes of subalternization of social groups and individuals, through epistemic reflections, methodologies, and empirical research focused mainly on discussions of gender, race, class, sexuality, ethnicity, nationality, generational, among other important categories.

The call for articles for the dossier will be open until October 15, 2024, and original texts in Portuguese, Spanish, and English will be accepted. Contributions should be submitted through the journal's online system:

For a more detailed view of the proposal and objectives of this dossier, access: