Call for papers - Dossier: Between cybernetic hegemony and socio-environmental emergencies: investigating ontoepistemic conflicts, knowledge practices and technopolitical struggles (Mediações, vol. 29, n. 2 - 2024/2).


Editor: Henrique Zoqui Martins Parra (UNIFESP) and Alana Moraes (IBICT-RJ).

In this dossier, we would like to convene works that cover areas of contact between science and technology studies and studies on the ongoing socio-environmental and health catastrophe, areas that have gained prominence especially during the Covid-19 pandemic and the acceleration of expansion. of the codifiable domain provided by it.Anthropocene and Technocene (and their variants) today form transdisciplinary areas of investigation that converge in the attention to socio-technical and other than humans arrangements for the understanding of the new geological epoch marked by the impacts of scale and speed of certain human actions in the regulation of the planet. We pay special attention to the analysis of coloniality and its conceptual, epistemic and political expressions that allow us to visualize relationships between extractive technologies, the cybernetic turn, knowledge regimes and new forms of control. Such contact zones can signal the failure of the “modern coordinate system”, asBruno Latour intuits, at the sametime they point to promising conceptual and ontoepistemic inventions in the face of a time of catastrophes.

Call for papers will be open until March 15, 2024; unpublished texts will be accepted in Portuguese, Spanish and English. Contributions should be submitted through the journal's online system:

For a more detailed view of the proposal and objectives of this dossier, access: